Saturday, March 14, 2009

Roasting Garlic

If you haven't roasted garlic before, you are missing out. This is one of the easiest things you could possibly do with your oven besides throwing a frozen pizza in it. Plus, you can use roasted garlic in so many things. I put some on bread with a bit of butter and made the awesomest garlic bread ever. And tomorrow, I plan to add it to the homemade hummus I am making.

Preheat the oven for 350. cut the top off the bulbs of garlic. Add olive oil and let that soak in. Sprinkle with sea salt and ground black pepper.

Fold foil around the bulbs to make an envelope. Bake the packet for about an hour. If you aren't getting the caramelization you want, unfold the packet, and put them back in for 15 minutes. They will look golden when they are finished and they will be sweet and tender.

These are awesome. Spread them on crostini. Add them to soups, salsas, pasta dishes...The possibilities are endless. I make this roasted pumpkin & Garlic soup...OMG! It is so awesome!

And they are vegan, which means nothing to me, but some people like that sort of thing. In case I haven't mentioned this before, I am not a vegan and I am not a vegetarian. Erin, however, is a vegetarian. So most of the things she makes doesn't include meat. This is too bad, because I love bacon. Usually when Erin & Anthony come over, we choose to make meatless entrees. It's just cheaper to do that. But then there is bacon....Mmmm....bacon.

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