Saturday, April 11, 2009

Brandied glazed carrots

I simply can not believe how good these carrots are. We paid a caterer a lot of money for the auction and he made these carrots. Not only are they super good, but they are easy to make.

Gather together:
2 pounds of carrots-peeled and cut in to 1.5-2 inch pieces
stick of butter (I told you it was good)
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 table spoons brandy
pinch of salt

Boil the carrots until they are tender crisp--not fully cooked, but yet still tender enough a fork can puncture them. Drain the water. In a casserole dish add butter, sugar, salt, & brandy--stir. Add in carrots. Toss them in the butter mixture and place in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes. Toss to coat the carrots again. Sprinkle with parsley and Ta-Da!
People will think you slaved over the stove for hours for these.

I served it with balsamic chicken and veggies. Look at the pretty mushrooms, red peppers and onions! This is just a simple saute then right before serving add a bit of balsamic vinegar. Let it heat up and reduce for a minute and you have a great dinner on your plate.

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